Groups - Mega

For a one-time donation, instructors / teachers / administrators can create an account whereby they and up to 75 students get unlimited access to the following Learning Nurse educational resources: 

1. Nursing educational games – 155 games in 3 categories with some 6,000 questions.

2. Nursing quizzes – 176 interactive quizzes in 18 categories with over 13,000 questions.

3. Personality tests – 8 self-assessment personality diagnostic tests.

4. Competence self-assessment tools – 30 nursing competency bands with 215 self-assessment forms covering 3,225 nursing competencies.

5. E-learning courses – Learning to LearnPressure Ulcers and Micro Learning Nuggets.

Information for instructors / administrators

You can easily and securely create an instructor / admin account by completing the short registration form and making the one-time payment. You will have immediate access to your account. You will also receive an e-mail confirmation. 

Once you sign into your account, there will be an Admin button in the top menu bar. Clicking on it will take you to a page where you can manage your students. 

1. You can register students manually by clicking the ADD button and entering the appropriate student data. 

2. You can use the Invite Members form to send the link to students. Enter the student e-mails (one per line), the subject of the e-mail (course/program invitation), and your name, course or program and organization (so that students know this is a legit invite). The Plan Name and Join-Group link for be automatically inserted based on your subscription. 

3. Students can click on the link, which will take them to a registration page. After they enter their basic data, they will be automatically registered in your group / course. They will have the same access to all the Learning Nurse restricted educational resources as you do. 

The Admin page allows you to edit a student's profile, as well as deleting their registration. Since the maximum number of students allowed in the group at one time is 75, you will have to delete students who have completed the course and register a new cohort. Registration can be done manually or sending the new students the link. 

For questions, problems or issues, please use the Contact Us form. 




Duration: Lifetime
Price: $50.00