No. |
Competency Item |
DB-02-01 |
Demonstrate ability to establish and maintain the nurse-client relationship on a professional level. |
Demonstrate knowledge and ability to establish effective therapeutic nurse - client relationships for the purpose of: |
DB-02-02 |
assessment |
DB-02-03 |
data collection |
DB-02-04 |
building rapport |
DB-02-05 |
client teaching |
DB-02-06 |
client expression of needs |
DB-02-07 |
promoting optimal wellness. |
DB-02-08 |
Demonstrate ability to use appropriate communication techniques to initiate, maintain, and close the nurse - client relationship. |
DB-02-09 |
Demonstrate behaviors which facilitate the effective therapeutic relationship such as caring, confidentiality, empathy, empowerment, respect, touch and trust. |
DB-02-10 |
Demonstrate ability to identify and assess barriers to an effective therapeutic relationship such as abuse, attitudes, culture, environment, personal space and time. |
Demonstrate effective use of skills and techniques to promote a therapeutic relationship and interaction with clients and families such as: |
DB-02-11 |
acknowledging |
DB-02-12 |
clarifying |
DB-02-13 |
focusing |
DB-02-14 |
giving information |
DB-02-15 |
listening |
DB-02-16 |
open ended questioning |
DB-02-17 |
paraphrasing |
DB-02-18 |
perception checking |
DB-02-19 |
reality orientation |
DB-02-20 |
reflecting |
DB-02-21 |
responding to client |
DB-02-22 |
summarizing. |
Demonstrate knowledge and ability to identify the effects of communication techniques which inhibit the interaction or the relationship such as: |
DB-02-23 |
advice giving |
DB-02-24 |
challenging |
DB-02-25 |
defensiveness |
DB-02-26 |
making judgments |
DB-02-27 |
probing |
DB-02-28 |
rejecting |
DB-02-29 |
stereotyping |
DB-02-30 |
testing. |