No. |
Competency Item |
BC-02-01 |
Demonstrate knowledge and ability to monitor, maintain, regulate, discontinue and evaluate peripheral infusion therapy. |
BC-02-02 |
Demonstrate knowledge and ability to identify common intravenous solutions according to type of solution, additional contents, and indications for use. |
BC-02-03 |
Demonstrate knowledge and ability to set-up and prime infusion line. |
Demonstrate knowledge and ability to use a variety of infusion therapy equipment such as: |
BC-02-04 |
programmable infusion equipment |
BC-02-05 |
patient controlled analgesia pumps (PCA pumps). |
BC-02-06 |
Demonstrate ability to calculate infusion rates. |
Demonstrate knowledge and ability to recognize, and respond to, complications of intravenous therapy as related to etiology, clinical manifestations, and preventative nursing measures: |
BC-02-07 |
abnormal lab values |
BC-02-08 |
air emboli |
BC-02-09 |
allergic reactions |
BC-02-10 |
correct fluid / medication |
BC-02-11 |
correct expiry date |
BC-02-12 |
dehydration |
BC-02-13 |
fluid overload |
BC-02-14 |
infection |
BC-02-15 |
infiltration problem |
BC-02-16 |
phlebitis / thrombophlebitis |
BC-02-17 |
safety of client. |
BC-02-18 |
Demonstrate knowledge and ability to resolve common problems associated with peripheral intravenous therapy. |
BC-02-19 |
Demonstrate knowledge and ability to initiate, flush, monitor and discontinue heparin and saline locks in established peripheral infusion sites. |
BC-02-20 |
Demonstrate knowledge and ability to prepare and administer medications for infusion as per medication order. |
BC-02-21 |
Demonstrate knowledge and ability to provide retrograde push medications via peripheral intravenous infusions in specific settings as per agency policy. |
BC-02-22 |
Demonstrate knowledge and ability to initiate, monitor and regulate Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN). |