Nursing Competence Basic Self-Assessment Tools


Each Learning Nurse self-assessment tool (SAT) has a list of competencies required to provide quality nursing services in that area. The list of competencies is not intended to be all inclusive; some competencies may have been missed. Also, some competencies may not apply at your level of nursing or your jurisdiction.

To assess yourself on each competency, use the following rating scale:

NO = No - I do NOT have adequate knowledge or skills, nor do I feel confident to meet the requirements of this competency.

YB = Yes, but - I know enough or can do this competency if I had to; however I am not confident doing so and would like to learn how to do it better. I need to improve my knowledge, skills, attitudes and critical judgments.

YS = Yes - I have the knowledge, skills, attitudes and judgments to adequately meet all the requirements for this competency. I function independently, providing high quality nursing health services and client care.

NA = Not applicable - This competency does NOT apply to me; it may be outside my legislated scope of practice, or not part of my current nursing practice.

Here are some suggestions for filling out each competency self-assessment form.
  1. Complete the self-assessment form over one or more sittings if you find it is taking too much time, or you need to reflect or rest.

  2. Start with the areas most familiar to you in your current role.

  3. Consult with a trusted peer, or your nursing supervisor / manager, if you want a second opinion on your ratings of yourself.

  4. Remember that is your self-assessment and identification of your learning needs; so be honest and specific. No one will see the results of your self assessments (unless you decide to share them).

If you have any suggestions on how to improve these self-assessment tools, please let us know using the Contact Us form at the website.

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